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Wastewater SECTORS
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WATERTECH : Construction Management

In all walks of life the use of water generates wastewater which needs to be collected and disposed of in an environmentally friendly way.

In Ghana, disposal of urban human waste is either by the central sewerage system, which exists in some areas, and septic tanks whose liquor is transported to septage treatment and/or disposal facilities. Watertech Limited offers services in planning and design of wastewater systems, preparation of tender documents and supervision of construction.

Watertech Limited has experience in the field of wastewater collection, treatment and disposal. We have executed projects from feasibility stage through design and supervision of construction to operation and maintenance. We also carry out rehabilitation projects in this field. Our experiences include both centralized and localised wastewater treatment systems in Ghana.

It is vital that industries that generate wastewater pre-treat their wastewater before discharging their effluents to the central or public sewer systems. Watertech Limited can advise on treatment methods for industries and assist with execution of projects from feasibility to commissioning.


  • Tiger
    Accra Drains Improvement Project.
  • Projects
    Water Supply Sector Rehabilitation Project
  • Butterfly
    Nsawam Water Supply Rehabilitation and Expansion Project.
  • Butterfly
    Onyasia and Mataheko Drains Construction.
WATERTECH We are always happy to here from you, let us know how best we can serve you today
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For More Information on our services you can email us on info@watertechgh.com or call us on +233 202 632325
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