Watertech Limited took interest in the execution of drainage projects in both urban and rural communities because of the poor infrastructure in this area.
Following the Drainage Master Plan for Accra prepared by Mott Mac in association with Watertech Ltd., government of Ghana has been working to raise funds to tackle the priority drains identified in the master plan, which are flood prone areas.
Watertech is a key player in the Drainage sector in Ghana because of its vast data accumulated through its projects.
Watertech projects are executed using participatory approach guaranteeing sustainability of the projects as the communities are consulted at all stages of the design process and during the implementation phase. This as well as other developed approaches ensure that the projects do not become white elephants after commissioning.
Accra Drains Improvement Project.
Water Supply Sector Rehabilitation Project
Nsawam Water Supply Rehabilitation and Expansion Project.
Onyasia and Mataheko Drains Construction.
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